· By Samantha Griggs
Ultimate Aussie Festival Packing List 2022
Plus some of our Top Tips!
Aussie festivals just hit different. There, I said it.
Our festivals have become famous around the world for our unique bush landscapes, state-of-the-art organization, ridiculous talent from locals and internationals, and most of all, our impeccable vibes. And we are deservedly pretty darn up ourselves about it.
But with great smugness comes great responsibility. We know that with all its perfection, the Aussie bush can have its challenges - and such a unique landscape calls for its own unique packing list.
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a bad sunburn, or a misjudged outfit choice (like we have) – you’ll know that Aussie festivals sometimes aren't all sunshine and rainbows.
With festival season finally upon us (I’m not crying, you’re crying), being prepared and packing the right stuff makes all the difference. Every item has been personally tried and tested in the elements, and we’ve learned the hard lessons for you, so you don’t have to!
If you’re reading this as a seasoned veteran – reminders can’t hurt! And we wouldn't blame you for feeling a lil' rusty...
If you’re reading this and heading to your first festival this year – you can thank us later 😏
Packing List.
Your Ticket
This seems like an obvious one, but sometimes the most obvious things are the most easily forgotten.
If you’ve got a hardcopy (are those still a thing?) keep your ticket somewhere safe and please for the love of all that is holy – remember where that safe place is! Again, this seems obvious – but when you’re buying your ticket months before the event you never know what information can leave your brain in that time.
Tip - If you ticket is in your emails or on an app, zoom into the QR code and take a screenshot on your phone before you leave the city, you might lose reception in the queue and have trouble opening it.
And don’t forget your ID!
A lot of festivals have ATM’s but they can be unreliable (or have big queues) so always bring cash.
- Pack for ALL WEATHER! Rain, Hail, Shine, blistering heat. Everything. You never know where the weather will go.
- A big faux fur coat looks fantastic and makes you feel like you’re getting a bear hug all night, ideal!
- Bring heeeeaps of socks and undies… like, heaps. Count the total days you're there and double it.. then throw in a few more.
Tip - Instead of loading your entire dress up box into your car and trying to figure out what to wear each day in a hot tent with no mirror (been there), plan your outfits at home! Complete with accessories, headwear and moving-into-the-night lewk, then pack the whole lot together so it’s easy to find.
It might sound over the top, but it can be a real dream knowing exactly what you’re wearing in advance – one less thing to think about in the morning.
Another Tip - be mindful of the texture and breathability of the materials of your outfits. Especially if its forecast for heat.
Those 100% polyester glittered rhinestone booty shorts may feel fabulous in your air-conditioned bedroom but could make your skin crawl just looking at them on the day.
Bring alternatives and backup options just in case, and Vaseline to put on your skin around the bottom of your shorts to avoid the dreaded glitter chafe, and you’ll be sweet 👍
A Hat
Safety is sexy - hats keep you safe and they look stylish. Win, win.
Comfortable supportive shoes
No matter how great they look, you’ll be hating your shoes by the end if they’re not comfortable. And once you’ve blistered – there’s no going back…
Also - bring thongs or sandals to slip on when you’re going to get your morning coffee and you’re not ready to face your shoelaces yet.
We recommend a neutral colour that you can use the whole time and will go with everything.
Having a different bag planned for each outfit is a nice idea (guilty). But the daily bag switcheroo could get old quickly. Just food for thought. And make sure it has heaps of pockets so you can stay organized, and everything doesn't fly away in the wind every time you open it (very stressful)
Toothbrush/Toothpaste, deodorant, moisturizer, dry shampoo etc.
If you bring baby wipes, use them sparingly for just the important bits - and try and bring compostable ones if you can!
Toilet paper
Keep some in your bum-bag just in case the cubicle has run out, to avoid a potentially bad time.
Bug spray
50+ Sunscreen
Apply as soon as you get up. The sun still exists at the food stalls before you’re ready for it, and it can sneak up on you.
Tip - bring face sunscreen for your face, body sunscreen on your face can cause eye irritation and be a day ruiner. This one is our fav!
We recommend bringing both the for-sleeping and the not-for-sleeping varieties. Very worth it!
Highly recommend these for sleeping
We recommend these for the dancefloor (you can spend a lot more on earplugs and they will be better quality, but these definitely do the job)
And a hard case that will fit in your bum bag if possible! Squished sunnies are not a vibe.
Panadol/Nurofen, eye drops, heartburn tablets, antihistamines, band aids, Stingose, Savlon etc.
You might not have usually have allergies or heartburn but being in a new environment can make strange ailments come out of nowhere, you never know.
Hydrolyte is also great for giving your water that extra hydration kick.
Phone Power Bank
(if you have one)
Don’t rely on your phone for calling people as you probably won’t have reception, but you might want to take photos.
Personally, we opt to leave our phone in our glovebox the whole time (a lost iPhone is a recipe for a bad toime) but that could just be us, so a power bank could be useful!
Tent and camping chair
Invest in good quality or at least midrange camping gear, so you can use it for years. Crappy camping gear will break quickly and end up in landfill.
And it could end up costing you more when you add up re-buying the same items multiple times!
The good quality ice box ones are so worth it (hello ice from three days ago fancy seeing you here)
Fill it up on the way so your Subtle Tea is cold on arrival, so you can get straight into it 😏
We recommend a small hand-held one that will fit in your bum bag. It will be a lifesaver when the sun suddenly goes down without warning (if you’ve ever tried to find your torch in a dark tent without a torch, you’ll know what I’m sayin’)
Also, a lantern style one is great for the campsite!
Sleeping bag
Even if the forecast is HOT AF, it could get cold at night.
Blow up or self-inflating. There’s nothing worse that losing valuable sleeping time by being uncomfortable. You’re too old for sleeping on the tent floor (I don’t know how old you are, but I know you’re too old for that 😊)
If you’re bringing a blow-up mattress – don’t forget a pump.
Like above, being comfy is key for getting a good sleep. Sleeping on a rolled-up jumper sucks and you know it. Bring your favourite pillow from home, it’s so worth it!
Tarp or waterproof picnic rug
(and some zip ties)
You will never know when a tarp will come in handy. For extra shade, to put on the ground, to wear as a cape. Who knows, there’s always something you can use a tarp for.
And zip ties are great for connecting it to wherever it may end up going.
Chat to your crew and figure out if someone already has one to bring. If not – put in and get one together, it splits the load and means you can get a good quality one.
We recommend a dome one as it holds up better in the wind and gives you more shade than the square ones.
Small fold out coffee table for the campsite
Once you’ve brought one of these to a festival, you’ll wonder what on earth you were doing before.
This one is awesome.
TENT FANNN!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
If you’re thinking wow the writer of this list really loves tent fans and appears to value them highly – you would be correct! They are a gamechanger!!! Get one.
We did heaps of research before purchasing as they seem to be hit and miss - Highly recommend this one
Mallet for your tent pegs
If you don’t have one you can probably borrow one from someone. But to save yourself the awkward just-arrived-and-still-easing-in convos with your campsite neighbours - bring your own!
Duct Tape and Safety Pins
Like tarp. So many potential uses (see below for proof)
A handheld fan is great for keeping you cool, and they double as a cute prop. Try and get a good quality one so it doesn’t fall apart!
Tip - if the connecter bit comes off your fan (happens all the time), do this:
Bin bags
One for recycling and one for general waste, hang these up in your campsite to make sure it stays tidy. You can also use a bin bag for your dirty clothes!
Take your rubbish bags home to dispose of 😊
Reusable cup
We recommend an enamel mug with a handle to hang off your belt or bum bag. Or try a thermal cup! It will keep your coffee hot, and your Subtle Tea cold 😊
Pleeease no plastic cups!
- Try cutting up fruit and veggies at home for snacks. It’s a bit of hassle when you’re packing, but a godsend when you feel like eating but its hot and your mouth is sore from talking too much, and you want something fresh and easy to eat.
- Also bring some dips, deli meats or anything else you like, add these and the cut veggies to wraps for a full meal that’s super easy to assemble.
- Other than that, personally we recommend going sparingly on the junky snacks. If you’re hungry head down to the food stalls! It will keep your money within the community, and you won’t fill up on Doritos and have no appetite for a decent meal later (have done this so many timessssss and always regret it)
- Water. A big ol’ water goon sack is great to have at the campsite. Bring a reusable water bottle to fill up and take to the stages with you.
- Coconut water. Loads of it.
- Subtle Tea. Sorry for the blatant product placement here (sue us) but Subtle Tea truly is the perfect festival drink!
- We’ve been knocking back our Vodka Iced Tea recipe on festival dancefloors long before it became Subtle Tea as you know it now - and we can confirm, it goes down a treat! It’s refreshing, unsweetened to save the sugary mouth-feel, and its lightly caffeinated so it's great for long days (and nights)
- We reckon it’s your new quintessential festival go-to!
Okay we’ll stop now... 😉 But also buy it here!
Extra tips!
- Do all your grocery shopping, filling up petrol etc in advance. Heaps of stops along the way can make you feel like your trip is going for a billion years, and you’ll feel exhausted before you even get there.
- Have the car packed as much as possible the night before, so you can wake up calm and ready for the day. Getting into the car freshly showered with all your stuff already packed is a total dream.
- If you do forget something – you can always stop for a coffee at the local town and pick up what you’ve forgotten from there!
- Put your car keys somewhere safe as soon as you arrive and keep them there! Festival horror story #1 is losing your car keys, or (almost) worse, locking them inside your car!
- Keep your campsite tidy as you go (yes Mum…) A trashed campsite can make you feel like trash, and we wouldn’t want that! 😊
- Tryyy not to stress too much about where your friends are and what they're doing, if the other stage might be better, if the grass is greener elsewhere etc. It sounds cheesy - but try and just focus on enjoying where you are and be in the moment!
- If you've lost your friends at night, and you've checked your campsite and the regular dancefloor 'spot' and they're not there. Honestly just GIVE UP, and embrace the solo vibes. You can waste a whole night snaking through crowds trying to find them and you'll miss the good stuff!
- And they will probably show up as soon as you stop looking 😊
- Take your stuff HOME. All of it, Every. Last. Speck. If you already do this, ace! If you don’t (and you know who you are) please take a long hard look at yourselves and sort it out now. Your campsite should look like you were never there mmkay.
Well that's it! We hope you enjoyed this list and got some use out of it. Make sure you Share it with your mates so they don't miss out! 😊
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Can't wait to party with you all soon! 👏👏👏