· By Samantha Griggs
Ditch the Sweetness, You’re already sweet enough 😉
The beverage industry has had a shake-up the last few years, with health coming to the forefront of our minds.
Gone are the days of recklessly indulging in sugary drinks every weekend and simply accepting the consequences (don’t worry Cruisers, you'll always have a place in my heart 🧡)
But hey, the tides have turned! Low-cal and No Sugar alternatives are aplenty. Enjoying a social drink whilst sticking to your diet has never been easier! Wooo!
But! Sadly, 'low-cal' often translates to 'more junk'..
I love a drink, but I also care about my general wellbeing, and I was tired of compromising all the time. While other food and drink categories have embraced cleaner alternatives, the pre-mixed alcoholic drink space seemed to have been overlooked.
Steering clear of 'Sugar' and 'Calories' is a no brainer. When all the new low-calorie options started coming out, it seemed like a blessing. Sweeteners cut back dreaded calories, but at what cost?
The push for 'No Sugar' options meant the introduction of a variety of man-made synthetic flavourings and sweeteners being used as a replacement. These bulk up the flavour of drinks without the calories, but they unfortunately come with a whole new set of concerns.
I was curious about the mystery words and number combos I had spotted on ingredient lists, so I dug deeper!
Turns out anything artificially created, like chemicals and additives in foods, are not recognised by the body. They are foreign, and so naturally, the body needs to defend itself from these synthetic compounds, resulting in an inflammatory immune system response 😮
In fact, Artificial Sweeteners rank amongst the top 10 most inflammatory foods, nestled right there on the list between Fried Foods and Refined Sugar. Plus the added bonus of a bunch of random chemicals we know very little about, and the lingering aftertaste is not ideal.. Honestly, I think I'd prefer the sugar!
Basically if you’re looking at Artificial Sweeteners as a healthier option - Sorry fam, this is not it! 😕
Once I had discovered this (mildly traumatic..) info about what I was drinking, I went on the hunt for something that was low-cal AND free from synthetic nasties. And I couldn't find much!
It was frustrating to find so many pre-mixed drinks tainted with artificial additives when we have an abundance of 🍏REAL delicious fruits🍊 and natural ingredients that add a refreshing flavour - without all the junk! 👏
Well, I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.. Cue Subtle Tea! 🥳
My simple, natural recipe boasts zero nasties, so no upset stomach or lingering aftertaste. The refreshingly unsweetened flavour of Subtle Tea truly sets it apart!
Don't just take my word for it, Try it for yourself!
So ditch the sweetness, your gut will thank you 👏
Cheers! 🍻
Sammy xx